So a couple of days ago, I did something I never thought I'd do (again). I sold my Canon 50D and Tamron 18-200mm variable f stop lens. I bought both in 2008 and I've had them ever since. They have
I've traveled all over the world with many different bags. The one provided to me by the tour group I traveled with to Europe for a month was by far my favorite
I always knew a I wanted a tattoo. I didn't know I would end up with 7 (at least for now). For the longest time I toyed around with what design I wanted. I wanted it to be deep and
I am not a fancy person. I am not complicated. I don't need fancy things to make me happy. Really I prefer things to be casual. Fancy to me is just "fussy".
I was a girl scout as a kid. Not a good one but one none the less. I wasn't particullary outdoorsy but my mom wanted me to have friends and that's what all the kids in the 90's did. It
In one of my earlier posts I wrote about how I was a scared kid growing up. I was afraid of basically everything. People, things, you name it, I was afraid. There were so many things I said as a kid