Mount Saint-Michel tried to eat me
When I went back to France for the second time, I went to Mount Saint Michel one day. It is honestly one of the coolest places I have every been. The Mount was initially a monastery, but later it was turned fortress for times of war.
The fireplaces are big enough to fit 10 people in. The views over the marshland is stunning and one of the absolutely coolest things about the Mount is all the little homes turned into shops up and down the path take you up and then back down.
From Paris, you take a train to Rennes and then a bus that drops you off at the bridge that goes to the island the Mount stands on. Yes you can walk the marshes but only during low tide. It was a bit of a journey and well worth it.
Once there you climb a giant spiraling path. While it is giant, it is always packed in the summer. Like to the brim…. I really need to learn not to go place during peak season…
I made it up to the top just fine. Walked around, observed the architecture (I wanted to be an architect but I can’t really do math so that dream died) and the history held within the walls. It was a beautiful day and I was feeling playful. So once past the masses, I started skipping.
Bad Move.
As stated, I’m a klutz but sometimes you just can’t contain your feelings and the klutz breaks free. Well at one point, I trip over one of the VERY large and old cobble stones in the path and rolled down quite a bit. People mostly stared. None really tried to help.
I left some of my skin in France that day. MSM got it’s teeth into me. Needless to say I had to find a pharmacy in Rennes (which isn’t hard since most Euro countries mark their pharmacies with green plus signs). I still think skipping was worth it and I got some pretty hilarious photos out of it….